Birthday Summer Holiday

My birthday is coming up next week. The hubby and I agreed to go away for 8 days  to celebrate both of our birthdays. We're both July babies. Instead of gift giving, we thought we'd enjoy a holiday together.  With some air miles bound to be expired soon, we thought of using it to treat ourselves to some couple-time adventure in a new country.  A paradise setting infused with Creole culture sounded really appealing to us. 

We're going to one of the destinations above.  Guess where to?

This was one of my Goals for 2012 .  "Living each day like there's no tomorrow as well as creating new memories with the hubby."   I'll be away from the blogosphere for about a week, but will definitely capture inspiring interior design images  and the scenic spots during the trip that I will be featuring here later.

Yohann also surprised me with an early birthday gift.  A Kindle loaded with the Hunger Games Trilogy and the much anticipated novel of Tina L. Hook, Enchanted by Starlight.  All equipped and ready.  We're off to the airport tonight.

Have a great week ahead!
I'll definitely miss you




  1. Enjoy that trip!

    And I'm excited that you are reading Enchanted by Starlight. Hugs.

  2. Hi Tina, Thanks soo much. It was weird in a good way to not have any internet for 8 days and no mobile phone either. It felt like being transported back in time. Sometimes seemingly like those of Lost episodes in the middle of coconut trees and granite boulders. I finished reading your marvelous book. The three characters kept me company during the trip. :)
