Alone Time

"When we truly care for ourselves it becomes possible to care more profoundly about other people." --Edith Le Shen

Guess what: This is an image I took during a trip in Salzburg, Austria in 2008.

At the end of a long day, I’d like to reward myself to an invigorating “me” time. I’m grateful that my hubby respects my habit of taking a fraction of the evening after work to engage in a feel good activity alone. It could be 30 minutes of yoga with a relaxing music, a long bubble bath while reading my favorite book, or a half hour massage at a spa a couple of blocks away from home. Sometimes it would mean lazily lounging around for an hour listening to soft music or pouring my emotions out with my brushes on canvass. There are days when it would mean cooking something straight out of a recipe book that we fancy or cuddling with our fat cat on the sofa.

During my hubby’s alone time, I’d find him reading the newspaper or watching TV. Other days he’s totally immersed in Play station bliss or opts going out for a long walk or a jog around the area.

Feeling energized, my hubby and I would catch up later in the evening. We would watch an episode of a TV series we fancy or share what happened throughout the day together before bed time. I strongly believe that in keeping this space of recharging and filling up our cups, we are able to give more. In taking care of ourselves, we are able to take care of the people we love, even better.
